Vote September 13th!

Defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

About JR

After completing graduate school, JR moved to NH in 1993. He has lived in Dunbarton since 2005, where he along with his wife Charlene have raised and home-schooled their four children. He is a mechanical engineer, and small business owner, who has been developing life-saving medical, telecommunication, and consumer products for the past 25+ years. During that time, JR has been issued 14 patents for products he co-developed. JR formerly served as a state representative for Dunbarton, leading on issues of fiscal responsibility, parental rights, and supporting our second amendment freedoms.


Limited Government

JR is committed to enacting laws that reduce the scope and power of the state bureaucracy, including limiting the government’s emergency powers to actual emergencies.

Empower Parents

JR will fight to protect the fundamental right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children, including giving parents more options in education so that all children can attend the best school for them.

Economic Prosperity

JR understands that embracing smart economic policies will ensure a prosperous future. We must pursue common-sense reforms like Right to Work, lowering health insurance premiums by eliminating costly mandates, expanding local energy production to reduce energy costs, and cutting taxes.

New Hampshire Values

JR will defend traditional New Hampshire values, freedom, and our God-given individual rights.  That includes protecting religious liberty, the Right to Life, free speech, medical freedom, and the right to keep and bear arms.


Hoell has demonstrated an ability to build coalitions focused on advancing fiscal responsibility and sound spending policies.

– Americans for Prosperity NH

JR brings a lot to the table. He’s very thoughtful…

– Hon. Dick Hinch, former New Hampshire Speaker of the House

JR Hoell is a true patriot, exhibiting the honesty, integrity and commitment that voters expect from someone representing them in Concord

– Sen. Gary Daniels

I watched JR develop into one of the most effective leaders for liberty and freedom in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. JR has the respect of leadership from both sides of the aisle. 

– Hon. Dan Itse, former New Hampshire State Representative

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